Friday, September 23, 2011

Why Intercession MAY be Effectual – Stream of Consciousness Exercise

Here are a few dots...

God is begging us to beg from Him that which He is dying to give us.

God, even though He is not a respecter of persons, is a respecter of Himself and of the order and design He put into His creation.  As such, God respects and honors the free-will of mankind because God respects and honors all that He does.  Prayer opens a portal through which God is invited (and ushered through the door, if you will) to be with us and to intervene in the affairs of our lives and the lives of those for whom we love.  THIS, my friends, is why the fruit of “love” is soooo critical!

AND important!

Through our humanity, we are connected to each other in a way that makes us together a “WE.”  As such, when “we,” as individuals or small groups, pray, we are, in effect, praying AS (and not just representing) the “WE” of humanity…during ALL TIMES in which WE have existed, are existing, or shall exist.  Notice, in Matthew 5, that when Jesus teaches His disciples to pray, He teaches them the “Our Father” prayer and not the “My Father” prayer.  Jesus intended for us to experience God and God’s workings in our lives corporately.  To pray corporately (or individually, and yet conscious of our corporateness) is to become THE WE I wrote of above.  As such, God is invitedbegged, actually—to intervene, and yet free-will is honored—AMAZINGLY!  

Everything that we see or that we will see was created in God’s imagination LLLLOOOOONNNNNGGGGG before the foundations of the world were laid.  To intercede is to invite God’s imaginings to be brought to solidity...

“Hallow Your Name, Lord.”

(Notice that it is an invitation, first, and after that a request.) 

“Let Your kingdom come...let Your will be done."

(Again, invitations first.)

Yes, Lord...PLEASE!!  Let Your Name be hallowed; come, and have free reign within the freewill of our lives!!

I feel that Heaven is the “space” or “realm” of God that is outside of creation.  Heaven is wherever the Presence of God dwells.  Since God has always “dwelt,” there has always been a Place for Him to dwell—basically Heaven.  The only things that have always been are those things that are inherent to the Presence of God.  By virtue of this, Heaven has always been because God and His Presence have always been.  I know that Genesis 1:1 reads, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."  The "heavens" referred to in that verse mean, I believe, the cosmos and those other created realms that exist outside of what we can see.  Heaven, the space of God's Presence, is, I believe, outside of anything created.  It is a realm that is continuously generated by the very Presence of God.  The "heaven" in which spiritual warfare takes place is a created realm that is beyond our normal, physical senses.

(Note to Self:  I need to do a word study on "H/heaven."  The English language can be so limited.  For example, I love my Mom and my Dad; I also love salad.  In the above sentence, the two uses of the word "love" look and sound the same, but they are NOT the same word.)    

In time, there will be a new heaven (created spiritual realm) and a new earth, meaning, I believe, the two will become one…like a husband and wife become one…where the divine and the natural become indistinguishable.  Jesus is THE perfect example of this.  Remove the human side of Jesus, and you have the Son; remove the divine side, and you have a second Adam.  Put the two together, and you have something new:  Jesus, the Son of Man.  The first fruits and the prototype of the order yet to come.

Now, while their will be a new heaven and a new earth, God and His Presence (Heaven...where He dwells) will never change.  WE will not become God.  WE will continue to bear the Image of God and continue to reflect His glory.  And God will continue to find an oasis for Himself in us.  But God IS and shall always and forever BE God.  There is NO ONE like Him.  He is THE I AM, and He standsand shall always standalone in this.  Just as He always has.

Pray-in to all these things, my friends.

To intercede is to see with your spirit the new heaven and the new earth coming together.  And, as you see, you become a co-creator with the Creator of the universe.

We were created in the image of God.  God is Creator; we reflect the Creator;  God is Savior; we reflect the Savior; God is Lord; we reflect the Lord. To intercede is to reflect the nature of God embedded and endowed within us.  We do not violate, nor does God violate, the will of another; when we pray, we give God permission to break it upon another’s  soul their abject need for Him.  When we pray, we, as the WE, give God permission to have His Way with US, be it with another individual or with a group of people.

Everyone dies…physically.  There are NO exceptions.  Elijah was taken up into heaven and did not “see death.”  To see physical death and to die physically are NOT, necessarily, the same thing.  There does come a time in every individual’s life when the new heaven and the new earth must be brought to solidity within him or her.  THIS is death; it is simply a transition or a moving from one place of existence to another.

Until death occurs, God desires all to be healthy.  Some (or most) are not because of sin and because we don’t love people enough to beg from God—and I mean BEG from Him—that which I believe He LONGS to give us.  Is there anyone in your life—maybe just one?—for whom you would be willing to fast for forty days and nights and do nothing but sleep and plead with God on behalf of that one?

In my life, yes, there are such ones.

Husband…what does it mean to lay down your life for your wife?  To me, it means going into the desert and fasting and praying for forty days and nights that she might have a fruitful future.  Are you willing to do such a thing?  I guarantee you that if you fasted and prayed for your wife in such a manner your wife’s life would never be the same—and I’m talking FOR ALL ETERNITY.  THIS, my friends, is the fruit of the Spirit Love.  Be the lover, put in the effort, and lay your life down for your wife that she might have the BEST future imaginable—one that truly exceeds her every thought and imagination.  Such a thing is not just possible, my friends.  It becomes a done deal when you follow the Lord’s example and truly lay your life down for her (this is a command of God, by the way—see Ephesians 5).  The world does not know this kind of love for it has seen it so rarely.  Be rare, my friends.  THIS is intercession at its best.  At it’s heart.

Okay…that’s enough for now.  (Please read that as meaning "this is ONLY THE BEGINNING," for there shall be more dots to come.)  I’m going away for the weekend, but I plan to look at these things and to write more about such things in the coming days.  I do not wish to leave this topic for a while.  For I believe it to be THAT important!



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