In His true and complete Essence, Jesus is unknowable.
Unfathomable, actually. For He is beyond all words, all descriptions, all concepts.
Anything spoken of Him, even that which I’m writing of in this moment, falls infinitely short of Who—and What—He is. His Essence is within all that you can see, animating and sustaining it all, and yet He is also beyond all that you can see. For He is The "I Am," The Ultimate Reality, The Uncreated, The Unmanifest. He is everywhere present materially and yet so far beyond that which can be perceived.
He is the result of no cause. In fact, He alone is The Cause—of everything good. He is limited by no condition, except by that which is congruent with His Seamless Nature.
He is “Loving-kindness,” “Ultimate Goodness,” “Unchangeable Truth,” “Restorative Justice,” “Unlimited Gratefulness,” and "The Everlasting Breath of Existence." Those are His Names.
As I stumble over my own words, I must, again, confess that words, concepts, things written of, and things spoken about Him, while absolutely essential, are metaphors and inadequate at best. They are but “a finger pointing to the moon.” Focus too much on the finger, and you may miss the true glory of That which shines from above, below, around, and even from within you.
Jesus is the Living and Loving Word. And He has been calling to you since the day you were born. Can you hear His Song? It is He that awakens you from your slumbering that you might experience His Presence through His life-giving Words. He is The Author of Life, The Friend of Friends, The King of Kings, and The Master of the Universe.
His Heart is moved by you. Think about that for a moment…and, if you will, let it just seep down deep into the very DNA of your being. The Heart of the Master of the Universe is moved by YOU. By me, too!! Though I be slain where I stand, I move His heart. MAN!! Do I have it made or what?
Open yourself up to Jesus, my friends, and let Him give you that for which you have been longing your entire life: His very Self.
Your friend and fellow follower of Jesus,
Open yourself up to Jesus, my friends, and let Him give you that for which you have been longing your entire life: His very Self.
Your friend and fellow follower of Jesus,
PS Part V of "What if...?" coming up tomorrow. Peace out, y'all! CU!
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