Saturday, June 18, 2011

Pray for Me

Good morning, everyone.  This past week, a very dear friend of mine asked me how she could pray for me.  With great delight, I provided her with what I’ve written below.  And it is with great delight—and gratefulness, too!—that I offer these to all of you as well.


In addition to praying about my involvement in missions, please pray…

That God's Name would be hallowed in my life and throughout all creation.

That my heart's greatest desire would be to enjoy God directly and in every aspect of my life so completely that He is nothing but glorified.

That I would hear my Lord's Voice clearly and that I would obey Him immediately.  I long for a greater desire and ability to hear His Voice and to respond to what He says (see Phil 2:13—this a life-verse for me).

That God would use me in prayer and spiritual warfare.

That the fruit of God’s Spirit would be cultivated in the gardens of my soul, my relationships, and all my “doings” and “non-doings.”

That the gifts of God’s Holy Spirit would be operate in and through me.

That I would be the best friend possible to each of my closest friends and family members.

That my relationships would be as God would have then to be:  inspired by and grounded in Him and guided by His Love and His Truth.

That I would be an open conduit of God's loving-kindness, joy, compassion, and equanimity (soundness-of-mind) to those around me.

That I would, in Jesus, become love, my friends.  Oh how I long for God to look down upon me and see His Own Blessedness smiling back up at Him.

That I would cease trying to do for others what they can do for themselves.  Jesus is the Savior; I am not!

That my eyes, ears, and heart would be attuned keenly to the communications of those around me.

That my writing would be a genuine expression of my thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, that the spark of inspiration would pervade every word, that my writing would continue to be an outlet of joy for me and a comfort to others, and that God would be timelessly magnified in and through every pen stroke and individual key depression.

That I would train well throughout every activity in my life such that the criticisms, complaints, pain, anger, and frustrations of those I love would no longer be a threat to me—not even a little bit.  I want to train such that I can be completely present in and with the great sadnesses in the people and conditions that surround me.  I want my life to become like a flourishing garden centered on an Overflowing Well, and I want to attract those in need to that Well, which is God's overflowing and superabundant Spirit and Presence.

That I would be yielded talent, creativity, and inventiveness.

That I would be open to exploring whatever ideas God brings to me.

That I would be just me and not try to be anything or anyone else other than me.

That I would find the balance God has for me between frugality and just relaxing and enjoying life.

That God would wonderfully bless me, that He would help me in my work and expand my territory, that He would be with me all that I do, and that He would keep me from evil and disaster that I might not cause pain.

And, in addition...

That the Lord of the Harvest would raise up workers to go forth into His harvest fields, for they are, indeed, ripe and white for harvest…

Thank you for praying for me!!

I hope you all have a fabulous Saturday.


P.S.  Lord-willing, I’ll bring you Baptism—Part II tomorrow or Monday.  CU!

“Lord of the Harvest,” The Imperials

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