Monday, February 14, 2011

"A Father's Love Letter"

Many years ago, my Dad gave me a written copy of the letter read in the above link.  I still have what he gave me.  If you get a chance, today, open the above link and give it a listen/watch.  I think the piece is just fabulous.

In this post, I wish to offer my grateful expressions to my Father for my Dad.  While my Dad is not a perfect man, He has striven my whole life to love me as my Heavenly Father loves me, and I am so very grateful for that.  In my Dad, I have seen the very Heart of my Father, and it has made a huge difference, perhaps all the difference, in my life.

On this Valentine's Day...

...I wish to express my sincere gratefulness to my Heavenly Father--my Abba Daddy--for the love He has demonstrated to me over the course of my entire life.  I love you, Father.  Thank you for sending Jesus so that You and I can be together forever.  And thank you also, for giving me my Dad and for placing Your very Heart within him.

...And to my earthly Dad...Thank you, Dad, for all that you are in life and for all that you have been to me personally.  I am and have been so glad to have you as my Dad, and I am so glad that we both know Jesus.  May God's richest blessings be poured out upon you in such abundance on this day...and all days henceforth.  I will love you always.


Your son, Dave

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