Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Personal Vision

And, again, I say, “Hello!!  For it is, indeed, good to see you, my old friend!!

And it’s good to “see” all of you, too!!

Let me be the first to say (or write!!) “Hello” and to welcome all’y’all to God, to me, to “us,” and to a little of what I believe God has in store for the two of “us” together.  It is my heart’s desire to share all of this with you so that you might join me in “praying-in” to all these things.  As I jump in to the very deep end and share some of what’s been brewing within me for such a very long time (more than a quarter of a century), it is my wish (from the outset) to express just how so very grateful I am to you—my family and friends—who’ve stood by me for all these many years and who’ve prayed for me, wept over me, and allowed me to climb up upon your shoulders that I might catch a glimpse of the vistas of God’s grand and exceedingly enormous plans.  To those of you in this category—and you KNOW who you are!!—please know this:  and that is that words fail me.  All I can really say (or write) in this moment is “Thank you!!”


My Vision

Here’s what I "see" and what I want, long for, and pray-in to many times throughout the day…

It is my desire to work at my business and to build it up to such an extent over the next year so that I will be able to "retire" from my day job, work at my business for about six months out of the year, and spend the remainder of my time writing and pursuing the missional activities stirring within my soul.

In this vision, I see myself as a “tent-maker” of sorts, able to support myself (and my family!!) completely, and, yet, “free” to respond to God’s call when and wherever His Voice beckons.

In this vision, I see myself writing articles, books, and other things to the glory of God and to the benefit of His kingdom.

In this vision, I see myself developing products that serve humanity, here in the states and abroad, that help others, that help to further the kingdom of God, and, if I may be so bold and “selfish,” that help to support me, my family, and my friends in our “living-out” a corporate missional habit that seems to have hijacked the self-centered culture that has dominated our souls for so longperhaps, too long.

In this vision, I see my God in me bringing into fruition the thousands of ideas floating around within my being, the more than a hundred that will, I think, be REALLY GOOD AND BENEFICIAL to humanity, and the one or two that just might change the world.

In this vision, I see myself living so very simply...with a wife and kids…in intimate and inter-dependent community with other missionally-minded apprentices of Jesus.

In this vision, I see myself hanging out where God is…being around Him…being around that which He’s doing…being around that which He’s blessing…and just being able to watch Him do and accomplish all the cool stuff He’s so good at doing.

In this vision, I see myself yoking myself together inextricably with other missionally-minded Christ-followers as we work diligently to create culture and to partner with, support, inspire, and be inspired by our brothers and sisters in two—maybe three—places in the world—in addition to RIGHT HERE in central North Carolina.

In this vision, I see the joy of God in us becoming so real and palpable that no one will be able to deny the Presence of our Holy and Joy-filled Abba-Daddy in all of this.

In this vision, my home will be where my heart is:  Haiti-Kenya-Durham.  And, maybe, one other place!

In this vision, the portion of the Body that I am yoked together to is a little (and exceedingly grand!) community right here in central North Carolina called newhope church.

Will you pray with me into all of this?  And, perhaps, join me in all of it?

Oh, how I long for you to pray-in to and join me in all of this!

Pray for me, my friends.  Pray-in to this.  And join me, if you will.

In Him, by Him, and, as always, for Him and Him alone!!

Your friend and brother,


“Hello World,” Lady Antebellum

1 comment:

  1. Yes! As always, I will contend with you and pray with you for all of this! And, I know that "other place"...TEXAS!!! See, if we weren't friends, you'd never be able to say all ya'll : )
