Thursday, March 17, 2011

“The Best of Both Worlds: The Genius of a Little Word Called AND”—Part I

How does that old saying go?  You can’t have your cake and eat it, too?

Oy vey!!

I say, “Off with the head of he who came up with such a ghastly thing.”

In the history of modern civilization, far too many parents have evoked such a “slogan” when trying to teach their children how to save money.  Or when trying to cajole them into doing something they don’t want to do.  As a consequence (of such inane parenting tactics), most of us grew up believing that we really can’t have our cake and eat it, too.  I wish to challenge such conventional wisdom.  While I would agree that it is conventional, I do not consider it wise.  IN FACT (warning: minor diatribe on the way), I think such a thing is exquisite [fill-in-blank-with-colorful-metaphor-here].  And it’s like we got it on the bottoms of our shoes and just can’t seem to get it off while we’re tracking it all over the white carpet in our boss’s boss’s home at the annual New Year’s Eve party.  (If you need a visual on that, let me know, and I’ll e-mail you one.  :o) )


So…I was writing a dear friend earlier today and lamenting a little (Yes, I do that from time to time.  Don’t tell anyone, okay?) over my struggles at times with the choices I have to make in life:  Do I do this or do I do that?  Should I respond in this way or should I respond in that way.  Should I be like this or should I be like that.  My problem is that I often approach choices with a narrow, dichotomousish (Like that word?  Just made it up!  See...?...I really do invent stuff.  And I mean real stuff, too, not just things that aren’t true.  [That last one was directed at my work colleagues.  And at my family.  And my friends.  And, I suppose, at the general public, as well.]).  Okay, so where was I?  Oh, yes…with a narrow, dichotomousish view on things.  In this moment, should I be firm or gentle?  Do I take care of myself or do I defer to the needs, wants, and whims of others.

Okay, Dave…and the point in all this is…?  I’d like to be patient, dude, but this is just taking far too long.

See?  That’s my point exactly.  Do I be patient with Dave or do I urge him on?  I (Dave) say, “Why not do both by patiently urging me ever onward?”

I’d like to write that such a thing is a bit paradoxical, but those who really know me would just say something like, Yeah, yeah, yeah, Dave…we’ve heard this all before.  You sound like a broken record, dude.  You use that word like that “inconCEIVable”’ guy in “The Princes Bride,” and we’re all pretty sure it doesn’t mean what you think it means.  Okay, then…so I won’t say "it’s a bit paradoxical," but, just so you know that I know:  I KNOW THAT YOU KNOW THAT THAT’S WHAT I’M THINKING.  Oh...and that guy in "The Princess Bride"?  His name was Vizzini, and he was played by Wallace Shawn, a real person who's deserving of genuine respect, thank you very much.  BTW…as a bit of a public service announcement, I had a bad headache, yesterday, and, yes, it was bad.  Today, my head does not ache, and it feels just fabulous.  I write all that just in case any of you are wondering about anything like, say, Hmmm.  It’s only 5:45p…how many adult beverages could he have possibly consumed already?  I am fine, and I am mentally alert…despite all the head injuries I suffered as a child and adult.  In answer to the question on your mind, though...I’m currently imbibing my first of the evening.  I’m going to start dinner, soon, and it’s always nice to cook with a bottle of reds, don't you think?

"Or" versus "AND"

Okay… in a game of shuffleboard, who do you think would win?  A certain retired coach of the World Champion Chicago Bears or…?

Although the answer would, in all instances, be “Ditka,” of course, that’s not really the question I wish to ask and answer.  What I’m really after is this:  In any of the above scenarios (that I was lamenting over earlier), which article of speech would win out in the wisdom category?  The “or” or the “AND”?

Why don’t you chew on that one for a while, and we’ll do our best, tomorrow, to try and answer it.  Or, at least, ask some good questions about it!

Until then…Do I eat healthily tonight?  Or do I eat some chocolate instead? 

Actually, I’m going to do both.  At the same time!

Peace in Him,

The Blingster

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