Sunday, March 13, 2011

Run to the Battle...Wearing Your True Name

In Jesus, who are you?


Well, in Jesus…

I am forgiven.
I am a redeemed sinner.
I am a follower of Jesus.
I am loved by God with an everlasting love.
I am a pleasing son of the Most High.
I am a beloved friend of God.
I am the righteousness of God.
I am a lover of God, myself, and other people.
I am a part of the Bride of Christ.
I have been set apart for God’s service.
I am God’s witness.
I am an overcomer.
I am more than a conqueror.
I am a field sergeant in the Army of God.
I am a warrior.
I am me…just as God made me.

A couple days ago, I watched Gladiator again.  I absolutely love that movie.  I’ve probably watched it at least 60 times since it was first released more than a decade ago.

My favorite part of the movie is the scene where the emperor, Commodus, first encounters Maximus as a gladiator.  To set the scene, I would like to draw from the writings of John Eldgridge in Wild at Heart. (For you men [and women!], who’ve never read that book, I urge you to READ IT!)  Anyway, here’s John Eldridge…

“In the movie Gladiator, set in the second century A.D., the hero is a warrior from Spain called Maximus.  He is the commander of the Roman armies, a general loved by his men and by the aging emperor Marcus Aurelius.  The emperor’s foul son Commodus learns of his father’s plan to make Maximus emperor in his place, but before Marcus can pronounce his successor, Commodus strangles his father.  He sentences Maximus to immediate execution and his wife and son to crucifixion and burning.  Maximus escapes, but too late to save his family.  Captured by slave traders, he is sold as a gladiator.  That fate is normally a death sentence, but this is Maximus, a valiant fighter.  He more than survives; he becomes a champion.  Ultimately, he is taken to Rome to perform in the Colosseum before the emperor Commodus, (who of course believes that Maximus is long dead).  After a remarkable display of courage [by Maximus] and a stunning upset, the emperor comes down into the arena to meet the valiant gladiator, who’s identity remains hidden behind his helmet.

COMMODUS:  Your fame is well deserved, Spaniard.  I don’t believe there’s ever been a gladiator that matched you…Why doesn’t the hero reveal himself and tell us all your real name?  (Maximus is silent.) You do have a name?

MAXIMUS:  My name is Gladiator.  (He turns and walks away.)

COMMODUS:  How dare you show your back to me?  Slave!  You will remove your helmet and tell me your name.

MAXIMUS:  (Slowly, very slowly, he lifts his helmet and turns to face his enemy.)
My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius
Commander of the Armies of the North;
General of the Felix Legions;
Loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius;
Father to a murdered son;
Husband to a murdered wife;
And I will have my vengeance, in this life or in the next.

“His answer builds like a mighty wave, swelling in size and strength before it crashes on the shore.  The man knows who he is, what he’s made of.  Where does a man go to learn an answer life that—to learn his true name, a name that can never be taken from him?  That deep heart knowledge comes only through a process of initiation.  You have to know where you’ve come from. You have to have faced a series of trials that test you; you have to have taken a journey, and you have to have faced your enemy.”  (From Wild at Heart, by John Eldridge, pp. 102-103)

The Enemy…

Men and women…we have a formidable adversary, and he is a “roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (see 1 Peter 5:8), and he is a thief hell bent on a path of complete and utter destruction in your life and mine (see John 10:10).  We each have an enemy inside us, too—"the old man," if you will, who is at war with the redeeming work of God in our lives (see Romans 7).  To quote Walt Kelly, "We have met the enemy, and he is us."  

The Journey…

We are also on a journey, and it is an inward journey toward wholeness as God works continually within us to give us the desire and the ability to live out His purposes in our lives (see Philippians 2:13).

Initiating Trials…

And, on this journey, we face many initiating difficulties in life.  And all of them are working for our good (see Romans 8:28) to bring about God’s work of maturity and completeness in our lives (see James 1:2-4).

The Question…

Given that we have everything we need for life and godliness (see 2 Peter 1:3), I ask you once again...In Jesus, who are you?

If you will allow me, I would like to help you answer that question.  And, if you will oblige me even further, I would like you to repeat these words after me (do it out loud, right now, right where you are):
In—and because of—Jesus…

You are forgiven.  I am forgiven!!
You are a redeemed sinner.  I am a redeemed sinner!!
You are a follower of Jesus.  I am a follower of Jesus!!
You are loved by God with an everlasting love.  I am loved by God with an everlasting love!!
You are a pleasing son/daughter of the Most High.  I am a pleasing son/daughter of the Most High!!
You are the righteousness of God.  I am the righteousness of God!!
You are a beloved friend of God.  I am a beloved friend of God!!
You are a lover of God, yourself, and other people.  I am a lover of God, myself, and other people!!
You are a part of the Bride of Christ.  I am a part of the Bride of Christ!!
You have been set apart for God’s service.  I have been set apart for God’s service!!
You are God’s witness.  I am God’s witness!!
You are an overcomer.  I am an overcomer!!
You are more than a conqueror.  I am more than a conqueror!!
You are a soldier in the Army of God.  I am a soldier in the Army of God!!
You are a warrior.  I am a warrior!!
You are you…just as God made you.  I am me…just as God made me!!

Doesn’t that feel good?

Speak these things forth often, my friends, and they will become a greater and greater part of your identity as a follower of Jesus, as a warrior in His army, and as a human being.

A Name that No One Can Take Away…

I would like to give you an assignment.  And here it is:  Watch the movie Gladiatorfrom start to finish, and then begin to write out your own answer to the very same question Commodus asks Maximus:  Why doesn’t the hero reveal himself and tell us all your real name?  Many years ago, I was challenged by God to do the same.  Writing from my own place of ultimate vulnerability, here's my on-going answer to that question...
My name is Jonathan-David,
Gift and Friend of God,
Tender-hearted Warrior,
Catcher of Tears and Lifter of Hearts,
Beloved Lionheart of God,
Loyal Servant of the Good Shepherd,
Samurai of the Most High.

I was fashioned and trained by God in the outback of creation.  Beware…for my spirit is fierce.  I will not run; I will not back down.  In Christ, I will make my stand.

I am a being, who also happens to be human, and I will create the dream of my life one step at a time.

I will live according to my own reality, my own intuition, and my own internal compass.

I will remember who I am, Whose I am, and from where I came.

In my heart, true paradise is found, and my greatest happiness is experienced in choosing and surrendering to “what is”—without judgment, without resistance, without attachment.

I will treat everyone I meet with the utmost kindness, respect, dignity, and compassion, and I will consider my service, both to God and to others, to be my highest purpose and calling in life.

I will live and demonstrate the principles of self-respect and consideration for others; I will stand up for myself while supporting others at the same time.

I will extend and give of myself courageously and unashamedly, express myself openly and honestly, and share “my song” with all who wish to listen.

I love you all lots and lots,


Enjoy these, my friends...

“Run to the Battle,” Steve Camp

"He Covers Me,"  Steve Camp

“Ocean Floor,” Audio Adrenalin

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