Monday, March 7, 2011

"What if...?" — Part V

From Part IV…

“Where are you, Lord?”

Inside you.

"How is that possible?"

With Me, all things are possible.  You have become a dwelling place for the Echo of my Eternal Presence, Adam.  No longer will you need to search outside of yourself for Me, for I AM in you...and a very present part of who you have become...

…for you have become one with Love, Adam.  In fact, I have become the Spirit of Love and Life within the marrow of your very soul.

And, now, Part V…

The Father gathered His cloak and carefully tied the ends off, so that none of the ashes contained within would be lost, and then tied the ends together, creating a sling of sorts.  Tenderly slinging His cloak across His Breast, The Father turned to Eve, who had tears in her eyes, and spoke gently into her very soul…

Eve…He did what he did because of his great love for you.  He could not bear the thought of you being separated from communion with us.  We could not bear it.  My Love for you in him was so great that he gave up everything so that your heart and soul could be won back.  And now, My Presence is alive in him once again, only more than before, as IT will soon be alive in you as well.  The Master has traveled to The Valley of Death to fight off the dragon and to reclaim Adam, that half of His beloved, who is there in this very moment.  So…be comforted, my child, for all is—and shall be—well.

Surmounting every obstacle almost effortlessly, The Master covered the distance quickly.  He was, indeed, well-trained.  His resolve ran strong as He drew ever closer to His destination.  In the Lake of Fire, which was in the center of The Valley, those free of committed sin could not be burned, for the nature of sin itself is the sole source of the fire's fuel.  Thus, neither Adam nor The Master would be injured by the flames.  But that was not the only danger present in that place.  For the fallen gods of old—those led apostate by the Angel of First Light—kept watch nearby, but far enough from The Lake so as to remain relatively unharmed by the fire.  In The Master’s great wisdom, Adam’s total banishment to a small island in the center of The Lake protected him from every ounce of evil until The Master, his Savior, could come for him.

Stealthily blending with the rocks, The Master moved forward with lightning speed.  Stopping momentarily to spy-out the territory before Him, He could see the hoards standing watch in the distance…seemingly just waiting for something to happen.  The Master smiled to Himself and arose with unflinching confidence, His Heart and Face set like flint to what awaited Him.  Drawing forth His weapon, the ancient Bow of Lament, The Master, now as The Warrior, stepped from the shadows and issued forth an eerie howl.

His zeal for His beloved was about to be unleashed.

To be continued…

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